if I die, just pound like water

penetrating into the land and stones

growing trees in your yards

even the flower pistils will meet my seeds

to yield your love

if you are thirsty, just drink my soul

if on your body dirt stick

just take a bath in my love

the fishes feel happy in my care

the caravans feel glad to meet me

life has no meaning if life is life

death has no meaning if death is death

if life is not limited by life

if death is not limited by death

(if not afraid to live the soul is not afraid to die

because in death the soul finds a genuine life)

if I die, just pound like water

penetrating into bushes and trees

the frogs feel happy in my coolness

the lotus smile in the swing of my hands

life has no meaning

if it doesn’t enliven

life has no joy

if doesn’t give meanings

- if you are a sailor

sail your boat

to the width of my soul!

Nafeeza Al-Anshary : diambil dari koleksi puisi-puisi kiriman suami saya yang saya koleksi sejak 1998

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5 Responses to "LOVER’S SONG"

  1. bagus....
    Minta izin tukeran Link bisa gak mas.....
    punya mas udah saya pasang di

  2. What an amazing poem... greet to the writer and be glad to admin who share with us., Cool blog ^_^)b

  3. @mh najiib : oke Mas, nanti segera saya pasang backlink anda. salam. :)

    @Gen-Q : Thanks a lot ukhty ^_^)

  4. wah kelihatanya bagus nih gak tapi gak tau artinya jadi minta bantuan google translate dulu ya :D

  5. :)

    salam, sukses selalu yah sahabtku :)


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